Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Don’t be a College Hater

They are on every campus - students who act like they are too good for their own school.  I call them college haters.  Don’t be one.

College haters arrive on campus with unhealed wounds of rejection.  Most were stunned to receive rejection letters, and take out their bitterness on the colleges that actually accept them.  Deeply insecure, haters look upon their fellow classmates as intellectual lightweights, even though most of these students are as qualified, if not more so, than the haters themselves.  Haters can never admit this because their identity is so wrapped up in being “the smart ones” that they will do anything, even sabotage their college experience, to defend it. 

I should know.  I came across many haters in college, and might have sipped from the keg of condescension once or twice myself.  Fortunately, I saw the light sophomore year when I met my future husband.  His crowd taught me that intelligence and having fun are not mutually exclusive.  Most students don’t wear their resumes on their sleeve.  The smartest student might be the one with the painted face streaking the football field.  You just never know. 

So even if you are angry, don’t become a hater.  It is a losing battle.  Your dream school isn’t going to change its mind, and hating your school will really piss off the people who want to be there. 

My advice for non-haters:  Don’t hate back.  The college haters are really self-haters who haven’t forgiven themselves for being rejected.  Take pity on them. Not only are they ruining their college experience, but the humbling waiting for them in the post-college world will not be gentle.    

My advice for haters:  I understand it’s hard.  Your self image has been shattered.  Maybe it is time just to be you, or at least try to figure out who that is.  

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